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The elements of power that control our lives. i.e.- The Press, Polls, Politicians and Pundits

My primary concerns, are the elements of power that control our lives. i.e.- The PRESS, POLLS, POLITICIANS and PUNDITS . ...

Monday, June 27, 2016

Our Veterans (WHY??)

Memorial weekend was an uplifting weekend for me as I saw many well-produced programs honoring our fallen, as well as living veterans from all wars. You have to be impressed with the valor, sacrifices, and commitment of our enlisted and veterans. In fact most of those honoring them, and certainly the Politicians to a person: –“Thanked them for their service”.

Subsequent to Memorial weekend, I have had number of solicitations requesting donations, to help our veterans. and their families.  The Wounded Warrior Project, I was familiar with, as they are the most ubiquitous of these organizations. However I’m totally unfamiliar with those whom I’m hearing from now.  I’m told that there are a number of bogus groups taking advantage of the veteran’s plight!  It occurred to me - why in the hell do we need any volunteer or civilian group to provide services for our veterans?  If we ask them to give their life, limbs and minds to protect this country, we owe them and their families whatever they need, to live a full productive life without having to depend on handouts.  I’m not suggesting that legitimate volunteer groups not be able to solicit funds to enhance their lives. Charity is part of the American culture.
A review of their needs astounded and angered me about the level of neglect they are experiencing.  WHY???
  • Why is it that 13% of all homeless in America are Service Men and Women??
  • Why is it that approximately 800,000 veterans receive food stamps and or rent subsidies each month??
  • Why is it that veterans have to wait months to get to see a Doctor??
  • Why are we loosing more veterans to suicide each day than in combat??
These are just some of the questions should be asked of the Veterans Administration and every Political Official.  When they tell you they “Appreciate Your Service” Your response should be SHOW ME!!!!

I’m well aware that the VA. Is one of the biggest agencies in Government, it is also one of the oldest.  This fact does not give them a pass to perform as required.  Are these problems systemic or cultural?  My next post will explore each. But I implore you, Charley Citizen and all Veterans to keep asking this question of your elected officials as well as VA officials. This is good time especially contact your elected official as voting season will soon be upon us!!! Always VOTE!!

I wonder if we would be experiencing these problems if this was a conscription army and we all had skin in the game as oppose to a volunteer Army

I don’t know, I’m just sayin’. ~ Sincerely, Charley Citizen

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