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The elements of power that control our lives. i.e.- The Press, Polls, Politicians and Pundits

My primary concerns, are the elements of power that control our lives. i.e.- The PRESS, POLLS, POLITICIANS and PUNDITS . ...

Friday, May 13, 2016

History Repeats Itself

Our current Legislative Branch of Government behavior reminds me of similar behavior experienced by the Harry Truman, legislature during his presidency. His legislature as well as the Senate was controlled by the Republican Party. Then and now the Republican opposition was intended to defeat the President, and make sure his presidency failed. The parallels are eerily similar!

In the Harry Truman example, he became President upon the death of F.D. Roosevelt, in 1945. He was seen as nothing more than a figurehead V.P. as FDR consumed all of the attention of the presidency as well as the Democratic Party.  The Republicans were both delighted and like everyone else, concerned with whether President Truman was capable of succeeding as President. Immediately the Republicans started demonizing President Truman as a political hack, a product of the Kansas City Pendergrast Political Apparatus, not very intelligent, and totally unsophisticated. Other wise a hick and an empty suit. No pun intended, as President Truman was a Haberdasher prior to entering politics. They deliberately decided to make sure his Presidency failed, by doing nothing legislatively that would support his initiatives. Their reasoning was that since he had only a coupe of years left before elections, he would have a dismal record of accomplishments.  Does this sound familiar? This was also the Republican strategy to make Obama a one-term President.

In both cases the strategy backfired as Truman went on to defeat Thomas Dewey, well known Republican and successful New York City Prosecutor. He was thought to be a shoe-in. Truman catagorized the Republican as the “Do Nothing Congress” and took this message to the people, which struck a cord as they reelected him. The polls, pundits and press were aghast of this outcome.  The Chicago Tribune printed an election edition, declaring that Dewey was the winner, before the results were official. Oops!

Truman went on to be one of the most transformative Presidents in America’s History.  He presided over the defeat of Germany, Japan, and Korea. He had to make the one of the most difficult decision a President has ever had to make , in approving the use of the Atom Bomb to defeat Japan. He was later supported by most Americans, as it was believed that by doing so, he saved several millions lives in forgoing invading Japan.  Truman enabled, the establishment of the Marshall Plan, conceivably one of the most successful stimulus programs in history as it brought Europe back from total destruction of World War Two. The formation of  N. A. T. O.,  creation of Israel as a Sovereign Nation, Integration of the Armed Forces. Pretty Impressive for a discounted Political hack from Kansas!!

As we know Obama experienced the same Republican strategy during his first presidential term is office. It was almost two years before Mitch McConnell the minority chairman of the Senate. The McConnell narrative, explicitly stated that was the Republican Party’s objective to make sure President Obama would be a one-term president! Obstruction would be the weapon to marginalize any and all of President’s initiatives. Even those who had been offered by Republicans, like Truman - President Obama was reelected by even a larger margin than his first term.

Given the state of today’s technology, the Republicans have doubled down and began attacking Obama personally as well as politically. There is nothing Obama can do, weather it benefits its’ citizens or not is discredited. What is it about Obama that illicit such hate and disrespect?  Is it because he was dealt one of the most formidable task that any president has had to deal with i.e., an economy in free fall, an unpopular war, the abuse of unregulated practices in agencies and institutions, economic apartheid (Haves and Have-not's?) Or was it because he has taken on these challenges and done a remarkable job in eliminating or moving them toward a positive outcome. i.e., With TARP saving the banking industry, the automobile Industry, winding down the wars, creating 13 million jobs, reducing unemployment to 5%, record stock market highs, consumer protection, etc.

Is this angst caused by the President pursuing his promised objectives - which are frequently in conflict with the long-standing neglected issues? i.e. Health care, the environment, climate change, clean energy, diversity, a new protocol in engaging our allies as well as our perceived enemies, investing in the physical as well as the educational infrastructure of our country.  All of these initiatives, are seen by Obama, as necessary to poise our country to embrace the challenges of the 21st Century, and remain the greatest country in world. 

Could this angst be because Obama is not a knee jerk, shoot first, then aim person?  (No Drama Obama) He has a thoughtful process, which deals with the facts, not the heart, or emotions.  I know this is antithetical to the American psyche, that of instant gratification and a need for visceral satisfaction. I.e., kick ass?   Which may or may not be a sustainable solution. 

Could it be that this angst is a result that Obama was born in Hawaii? Or maybe its his name, or maybe its because he was educated at Harvard, or because he is handsome with a killer smile, or is it because he is God-loving an a dedicated family man. Come on fess up which is it???

With Truman, back in the day their angst was obvious, as were the reasons. Like Truman, President Obama will be seen as a Trans formative President despite the current angst and demonetization of his presidency. His legacy will show that he respected the past, dealt with the present and looked out and planned for the future. He recognized that the world was truly a village, his initiatives reflects this phenomena.

What Obama's presidency warns us that the paradigm of obstruction of the President and the office to the presidency, by the opposing party because you don’t like the President because of race, gender religion, class or whatever is a dangerous and destructive protocol for serving the needs of this nation and its citizens. We have lost seven years with this foolishness. We don’t have this luxury to allow our elected officials to put their needs above in some cases, our nation, as well as ours.  If this situation does not motivate you to vote, then maybe this is the kind of government you want. Remember that our vote is all we have to take away our elected officials key to their paradise! Please vote even if our vote is marginalized by special interest.

Like the Truman “Do Nothing Congress” Our congress has a 13% rating. Obama’s at least in spite of the angst has a slightly above 50% rating. It appears that he is governing for all of the people.  It represents the divisiveness that our country is saddled with. By the way I think I know what really upset Obama haters. He is not only bright and intelligent He is funny!!

President Obama is: faster than the second guessing pundits, can bound tall congressional obstructions, and can see through everything but Cable News!! 
I don’t know, I’m just sayin’. ~ Sincerely, Charley Citizen

The next post will deal with, round heels!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! It is a very interesting and "frustrating" phenomon isn't it...

    Some Republicans I respect will point to the 9 trillion in debt Obama has added to our Natl debt. Some will point out the additional 4 million people on welfare since he's been in second term and some truly believe that a Democratic philosophy of fining employers if they don't insure their employees ( no matter how well their benefit package is), a general democratic philosophy to make the national minimum wage $15.00/hr ()31,000 a year) , and his lack of Leadership around the world
    ... Are very legitimate issues for them. Paul
    Ryan is a Republican that comes to mind who believes that we do need to raise our natl minimum wage but not to $31,000 a year to keep the Unions support who base their contracts off a percentage of the minimum wage and who are one of Obamas closest lobbyist organizations. Paul Ryan and many non Union Americans believe the marketplace should be the "needle maker" when it comes to how much entry level jobs, that are not by the way supposed to be able to support a family as Obama continues to say they are, are worth. I believe these are rational reasons for some republicans staunch hesitancy to support Obama.

    Now, the goof balls on the far right?...they are closet racists who wouldn't support anyone who doesn't look act and think exactly like them.

    It's in the center of both parties where good conversation and policy can be discussed! That's always been the case. Problem is ... The center of both parties are disappearing, leaving us with a far left that would prefer the government take care of them rather then going out and working their ass of to make a great life! Get promoted and then make $15.00 an hour, for example. Not catering to the heads of the lazy union worker who won't work but still wants to be protected and paid the minimum wage plus 32%. And the far right that looks like a bunch of people lost in time. Wouldn't know a great idea or movement for America if it smacked em in their faces. It's both of these radical segments that make the most noise, therefore get the most media coverage and ruin Washington for the majority of Congress who I believe, if they weren't too scared to speak up, would be centrists essentially.

    My opinion is the inmates are running the asylum! Who cares who's idea it is?! If it's good for America let's do it! Too many fanatics on the hill to allow that to happen and it's sad. Obama would've gotten more done and so would a Republican president should he find himself there. Unfortunately I believe both parties play the wrong game.
    It's going to take a generational leader to change it and I can promise you Donald nor Hillary is generational!

    Love the dialogue. Keep up the good work

    D love
