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The elements of power that control our lives. i.e.- The Press, Polls, Politicians and Pundits

My primary concerns, are the elements of power that control our lives. i.e.- The PRESS, POLLS, POLITICIANS and PUNDITS . ...

Sunday, March 6, 2016


I am confidently convinced that Trump does not want to be President of The United States of America I firmly believe this is a case of being more enamored with the journey more than the destination.

Why would a man who says and appears to have everything a mortal man could ever wish for in his life want to be president these days?  He appears to be in good physical health, has a trophy wife, I’m told wonderful children, a thriving and successful profitable business and a zillion dollars!—President!!!  You, have to be suspicious of his motives to become involved in the continuous politics of becoming President. 

I have to confess that he has far exceeded the level of engagement that I anticipated.  If you will recall that in previous presidential cycles, he would inject himself in the debate, by saying outrageous and divisive statements.  Sucking out as much of the air of serious political discourse allowable, then flaming out and aligning himself with the favorite candidate. During this period of time he was able achieve the goals he was really seeking i.e., National public stage, which enabled him to repeatedly tell the world what he had and how great and successful he was, and promote the Trump brand.  Most of all feed his insatiable ego.

During this presidential cycle I anticipated his usual modus operandi of entry and departure.  Boy, was I ever wrong!! This time his proclamations struck a cord with many people who are feed up with the corruption in POLITICS and Wall Street and special interest. I have to confess I was interested in him calling out the politicians, Wall Street and special interest. My interest disappeared when he engaged in pure fiction as to how he was going to fix things, demeaning races of people and religions.

I thought that by now reality would take over.  In fact I said metaphorically “That a horse that shits fast, don’t shit long” Boy was I ever wrong. This horses’ capacity for poop is unlimited. His timing could not have been better. The planets lined up for him i.e., a large number of disaffected people, a set of candidates seen as impotent, a PRESS so enamored with the buzz he causes features him 24/7. He has gained traction and is now considered a serious candidate!!?!

He is now being called out, not only by the other candidates, but by the Republican Establishment. They are pressing him on his character, the fantasy fixes he has proposed. They too fail to realize that his followers have been cultified. It does not matter what he is called, or the attempts to discredit him as a viable candidate for  the general election. Everyone knows that “The Emperor Has No Clothes”. But his followers don’t care .  In fact it makes them circle the wagon. I am afraid Trump with his combative nature, now feels he has to go all the way.

I am wrong again, in spite of him achieving a place in the annals of history and making the Trump Brand ubiquitous, his ego will not permit him to not go all the way. There  you have it.
A maxi ego, whose opponents accuse him of having a mini appendage!!

I don’t know, I’m just sayin’

~ Sincerely, Charley Citizen

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