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The elements of power that control our lives. i.e.- The Press, Polls, Politicians and Pundits

My primary concerns, are the elements of power that control our lives. i.e.- The PRESS, POLLS, POLITICIANS and PUNDITS . ...

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Checks and Balances

Our current Branches of government seem to be overwhelmed with our country’s challenges of the day. The checks and balances that the Framers of the constitution intended by establishing the 3 branches of government were to guarantee personal freedoms and constrain excessive power of government. They are not operating as intended. Currently the politics are so toxic, that the branches aren’t able to function, principally because of special rules that our politicians engage in to acquire and exert their own advantages.  In doing so they have brought the government to almost a standstill.

To give some understanding to our current state of affairs may require a review of how our government began. At the time our constitution was framed and ratified, we were a white homogenous country.  Mostly Christian and European. We were a newly formed nation with 13 states and a population of approximately 3 million people (not counting the Native Americans.) The Framers created a rather rigid infrastructure to manage our organic democratic system, a system that is never static, as democracy is always becoming. Remarkably this system has survived with almost no change since ratification in 1787.

Fast forward to 2016.  We are now a nation of fifty states, 330 plus million inhabitants and the most diverse country on the planet! Our branches of government are now being challenged to create a level playing field for all of its citizens. To accommodate this diversity, exacerbated by an economic apartheid system, creates a challenged never experienced before by our government. In attempting to level the playing field, it is alienating those who enjoyed the field being tilted in their favor versus many of those who have been toiling uphill for whatever reasons all of their lives. 

During this Presidential political cycle, the level playing field, is the focus.  It has morphed into two primary factions, the franchise holders versus the franchise seekers. The only issue that they agree on is that our systems of government are rigged and corrupt.  Unless and until our elected officials understand that the challenge of economics and diversity has to be dealt with realistically the problem will always kick our ass!! Could the original framers of the constitution ever envision the challenges of the 21st century?  

As we all know, we have just lost one of the most ubiquitous Pop Stars on the planet. He was the most influential chronicler of life’s theater for almost four decades. He was the freest soul on the planet as well. He has been framing the challenge that we are currently grappling with all of his life, extremely adroitly... that of “Diversity”. He empowered us in lyric as well as how he lived his life. He had no problems with race, gender, religion or class, as he loved us all unconditionally. We are now learning how truly generous he really was as he quietly helped many people level the playing field in their personal lives, everyone… including the rich. His only requirement that his largess was anonymous, as he wanted the focus to be on the gifts intent-- rather than the giver!  Again I ask, who is the best and most objective person to frame our current state of affairs? 

He was a remarkable human being who left us much too soon. REST IN PEACE MY GOOD BROTHER.  It is incumbent upon us to carry forth the positive legacy he left us with.

~ Sincerely, Charley Citizen

Monday, April 11, 2016

Political Silliness!

I was discussing the title of this post with my daughter -- an active observer of the current political theater --  about it’s silliness.  We agreed that it had surpassed dumb, and stupid.  Her take was not silly -- but crazy!  A deeper analysis of what was really happening, crazy better describes the actual behavior.

There does not appear to be any adult in the room. The politicians are acting like over indulged children, which by the way is the worst kind of parental neglect, all want their way. Until adults supervise this behavior, their tantrums will continue to manifest themselves in crazy  and destructive rules that rigs the system in ways that are preventing any ability to arrive at any harmonious outcomes.

The sum result of the political parties, bickering is political gridlock.  These behaviors prevent the kind of positive actions we average citizens need, and expect from our elected officials and standing institutions, rather than continuing being used as chattel, for bargaining chips for power and control!

At one time, during my 85 years on this earth, I worked in Washington D. C., as the interface between my agency an the Congressional Representatives and their staffs, as well as National Organizations. This was in the 1970s. Even then, I challenged what I perceived to be a disconnect with their constituents. I expressed this concern frequently.  They attempted to insure me that was not case, but their actions were how they played the “Game”.   I was somewhat taken aback as I thought this was a rather cavalier way to describe how they did their constituents business. This was the first time I heard, what was considered at that time the congressional mantra “To get along you had to go along”! They further explained to me that the “Game”, allowed them to disagree civilly and work toward solutions that many times concluded in harmonious outcomes. There seem to be genuine pride in their intuition. Their culture as they describe, was fostered by the integrity, collegial and civility expected and demanded by their institution. 

What in the hell happen in the last 50 years?? Where have the adults gone?? 

Today nobody goes along and they sure as hell do not get along! Obstructionism seems to be how the "Game" is played today. Unless an or until we find a way to rid ourselves of this gridlock, we citizens will be robbed of our country’s true greatness and bounty.

This reminds me of when I was a preteen, when I would feel full of my self and would get a little cranky and sullen, my Grandmother would say “Charley you need a Working”... your system must be clogged up!! This mean she was going to give me a laxative. Now my Grandmother did not have a degree in Behavior Modification, but a dose of Epson salt, which is the nastiest tasting stuff in the world, definitely cleaned me out.  I was more than squeaky clean as there was not even the squeak left! This definitely produced a more Harmonious Outcome in my household!  You know where this metaphor is taking me. The current gridlock that our institutions and electives officials have generated needs my Grandmother's remedy!
They need a Working!!

I don’t know what the most effective cathartic is.  However given the vigorous support that THE DONALD AND BERNIE campaigns have generated by them both calling out the current players in the system. Could it be that THE DONALD and BERNIE’s followers are the dose of salt -- that is metaphorically needed to Work the system.

I don’t know, I’m just sayin’. ~ Sincerely, Charley Citizen

Up next wekk, Checks and Balances. 

Monday, April 4, 2016

The fourth Branch of government—“Special Interest” (He who has the gold makes the rules

The fourth Branch of government—“Special Interest”  
(He who has the gold makes the rules.)

The US Constitution provides for three branches of government. The Legislative branch, The executive branch, and the judicial branch.  It was determined by the Framers of The Constitution that in order to insure personal freedoms, and prevent the government from abusing its powers, there needed to be a division of powers to insure checks and balances. This has been our form of governing from 1787 until 2010.  The Supreme Court in 2010 ruled in favor of Citizens United petition to the court. The Court found that essentially that Corporations were people and Money was speech. This gave constitutional standing to the special interest exercised by Corporate America, and others. We have always known that Special Interest was the fourth rail of government.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       This ruling in fact created the Fourth Branch of Government. Its power vitiates the balanced of power that the Framers intended. This powerful force, pardon the expression, Trumps or for millenniums pimps the power of the three established branches. They are able to do in the light, what use to be done in the dark. I don’t think the Framers intended, for this occur. However Charley Citizen as well as all Americans suffer the greatest impact and harm. This assaults one of the most treasured rights guaranteed by the Constitution.  One Person, one Vote! This all but nullifies our vote. How can we off set the power of Special Interest?  Too many of our elected Official are Takers and act in their own self interest, which often does not represent our best interest.

The Supreme Courts in their ruling was somewhat of a shock to many of us as well as legal scholars. It was the Conservatives Members of the Court that so ruled. This was surprising as they prize themselves as strict constructionist of the Constitution, being influenced by the intent of the Framers. I don’t think the Framers intended to put a sacred right in jeopardy “ One Person, One Vote “, and pervert the process of the fair and legal election of our political representatives.

A former Supreme Court Justice allegedly said, that Lady Justice was suppose to be blindfolded, but sometimes he believes the Bitch was peeping!!  What's happening? The Court has made the Corporation a dude and Money can talk!  Do you suppose the Bitch was really peeping? 

I don’t know, I’m just sayin’. ~ Sincerely, Charley Citizen

Up next week “Political Silliness”