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The elements of power that control our lives. i.e.- The Press, Polls, Politicians and Pundits

My primary concerns, are the elements of power that control our lives. i.e.- The PRESS, POLLS, POLITICIANS and PUNDITS . ...

Saturday, February 27, 2016

The PRESS and the TRUMP CULT (Drinking The Kool-Aid)

The PRESS and its PUNDITS seem so perplexed about TRUMP’s appeal! 
I don’t know if it’s because they don’t recognize, the elements of a CULT, and have not connected the dots, or they like the activity levels it produces for their economic business model?

Metaphorically, TRUMP pimp slaps them every day and they cry like little bitches, but can’t wait until the next news cycle to trumpet his outrageous messages to cult followers. What is it?? Maybe they have a strong masochistic inner need.
  • The primary elements of a cult are a group of disaffected people who are dissatisfied with their lives and feel anger, fear and despair and trending toward hopelessness.
  • A charismatic message and/or messenger, who taps into their pain, and convinces them that he feel their pain and know what it takes to eliminate this pain and promises them he will make them all well. (TRUMP)
  • A need for a forum where they can meet and hear this message and be validated by others who have the same pain, as they are not alone. Town Halls and the virtual forums.
  • They then have to make a commitment before the group that they are all in. The forums allow this in the form of cheering making signs and chanting. (This is the first sip of the Kool-Aid)
  • Continuous messaging, that he is their savior. Offering more outrages promises.
  • They now began to abdicate their own reasoning and surrender questioning their savior about anything, regardless how prosperously it may have once sounded. (They have now drunk the Kool-Aid)
Once this happens the savior becomes more omnipotent as he too has drunk the Kool-Aid and becomes delusional and really believes that he is the “GREAT GODDAM, I AM”

The PRESS is TRUMP’s greatest enablers it’s no wonder he feels he can do anything.  As you know, he has made outrageous statements even metaphorically saying he could shoot somebody and no one would care.  (I think this was metaphorically?) 

I don’t see a HARMONIOUS OUTCOME happening here. Remember Jim Jones??  I don’t know.  I’m just saying.

~ Sincerely, Charley Citizen

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Programming Model

It is apparent that the CABLE NEWS PROGRAM MODEL, deals almost exclusively with bad an or negative news.  Good news to the press is like kryptonite to Superman!  Rather than continually cherry picking the most horrific news every news cycle, at least occasionally pick the most positive and uplifting news as well?

The CURRENT CABLE NEWS MODEL, wakes you up each morning, showing you the most horrific events that have or are occurring in
living color.   It is produced like a reality program.  The reporter describes the horror you are watching.  They then count the causalities and show the victims, focusing on women and children, by the way with great empathy.  Then comes the blame game. Who is responsible? What is going to be done about it? Then enter the PUNDITS, offering all kinds of opinions, and second guesses, about causes, and blame. Then enter the POLITICIANS, and take their turn in determining cause and placing blame. Seldom, if ever agreement is the outcome.

I guess this what fair and balance mean to the press.  It in fact, creates the most strident and divisive forum one could create. Unfortunately, the differences are what are emphasized, not the areas of agreement.  And the differences are many times exaggerated, even sensationalized at the expense of arriving at a HARMONIOUS OUTCOME! 

Why is it always Americas’ fault? Why is it always Americas’ responsibility to fix it right now This program model only exacerbates the angst that is so prevalent in our country today.

In summary:
  • You wake up to great horror.
  • They scare the crap out of you.
  • They tear your heart out.
  • You are then conflicted about cause and responsibility -- which makes you angry and frustrated about our country's seeming inability to come together and arrive at a HARMONIOUS OUTCOME!
After 24|7 every day – How in the hell can you ever have a nice day? At the end of each day you feel like curling up in the fetal position, and wishing someone would tuck you in!! 
I don’t know.  I’m just saying.

~ Sincerely, Charley Citizen


When I speak about THE PRESS, I’m speaking about the CABLE NEWS PRESS. The regular press I consider CABLE LIGHT.  I have great ambivalence, about the press, as at times, it does positive and enlightening news, and other times it reports extremely negative, destructive and divisive news. Their stated philosophy is for FAIR and BALANCED reporting.  However the latter seems to be the driver of the CABLE NEWS FINANCIAL MODEL.

What happened to good news?
THE CABLE NEWS INDUSTRY apparently decided to emphasize negative news as their primary news product!  They have conclude that if the news is not negative its not newsworthy! This supports their economic model's goals and profit ambitions.  Negative news seems to drive more viewers to their site than fair and equal reporting.  The priority of the business model is more viewers, greater polls numbers, which allows higher advertisers fees.  Therefore to enhance this outcome, they market this product like other consumer product companies. i.e.,  Microsoft, McDonalds, Procter and Gamble etc. Using marketing savvy, and technology to attract their consumers. FEAR, HATE, ANGER, and CONTROVERSY, is the chosen narrative for CABLE NEWS to hook their consumers!

I don’t know, I’m just sayin’

~ Sincerely, Charley Citizen

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The elements of power that control our lives. i.e.- The Press, Polls, Politicians and Pundits

My primary concerns, are the elements of power that control our lives. i.e.- The PRESS, POLLS, POLITICIANS and PUNDITS. My current frustration with the current state of affairs is that you and me -- the average citizens of this country, are completely marginalized, by these institutions. They manipulate us as they see fit to achieve their own ends -- which are not consistent with many of our wishes or needs. I have attempted to express my concerns to my Political Representative, the PRESS, and PUNDITS, with little or no response.

A newspaper editor friend of mind, more or less validated the fact that I am a nobody, just an average citizen and my input would not see the light of day. This is not a frivolous response. It is what it is. It does not matter how erudite my input may be, unless it meets a certain narrative that day, it would not be considered. I understand that there has to be a filter for input, but damn, as an average citizen, you have a better chance winning the lottery!

These are some of the challenges we have in trying to be heard. I’m hoping Social Media will level the playing field somewhat, and give us a better chance to be heard. If there are enough voices, they may be elevated to the level to have to be heard, by these institutional powers.

~ Sincerely, Charley Citizen

About Charley - I would like to help our currently divided nation connect the dots and enjoy a more HARMONIOUS OUTCOME!

I am an 85-year-old man, who is neither a Neanderthal, nor a Renaissance man. I’m just “Charlie Average Citizen” -- I do own a cell phone (but not a smart phone yet) and I don’t drink bottled water, yet. Yet being the operative word. I came from a poor family, as we did not live in a home with electricity, running water nor indoor plumbing until I was 7 years old. I did have the wealth of wonderful parents, as my father taught me right from wrong, and mother taught me what love and charity was about. They also taught me that it was alright to be angry, but never hate. They would say "Let hate be the other person’s burden". They also would share what we had with those who had greater needs regardless of its meagerness.

You can see that I was poor materially, but rich morally... and with these rich assets, they became my compass in life. I was also blessed to be able to get a world-class education via an athletic scholarship. In going about the world making my bones, I was able to navigate a number of disciplines and institutions -- both domestically, as well as internationally, with a relative degree of success.

However, it was not until reaching my seventies did I realize I was wealthy. I realized that I was satisfied with my faith, had reasonably good health, a wife who had tolerated me for some fifty plus years, children who honored and respected their parents and in fact treat us like rock stars. I have wonderful relatives, friends and acquaintances. I was finally able to connect the dots. Wow! How lucky and wealthy can a person be? I also learned that we are the sum total of our experiences, that’s how we roll!

Given my observations and experiences of most of the last century and of course all of this century, I feel I can offer a unique and seasoned perspective of our challenges that us average citizens are confronted with at this time. I would like to help our currently divided nation connect the dots and enjoy a more harmonious outcome!

~ Sincerely, Charley Citizen

Lets have a discussion. I am concerned about our country. I am not a policy wonk. Just a concerned citizen- Charlie Citizen, the Unknown Pundit.