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The elements of power that control our lives. i.e.- The Press, Polls, Politicians and Pundits
My primary concerns, are the elements of power that control our lives. i.e.- The PRESS, POLLS, POLITICIANS and PUNDITS . ...
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Did the 51 of you make your daughters proud with your confirmation vote?
The country needs to hear your voice! We encourage you all to carve out some time November 6, 2018 to vote.
https://actionnetwork.org/letters/did-the-51-of-you-make-your-daughters-proud-with-your-confirmation-vote?fbclid=IwAR0VIN3fDKWNceFXflwjqUoc8HZWjqyPgkBXZsTVsqkoFcRoQnF-r8nhuIOur democratic institution of Checks and Balances is being perverted before our own eyes in real time. King Trump and his Congressional subjects, in their zeal to serve their own personal and political objectives above those of the country's, are transforming our country’s Democracy to that of an Autocracy!!
We as concerned citizens must, become involved and SHOUT OUT what we see happening and challenge this destructive behavior. Since we can’t shame them, we will use a Trump Tactic and BRAND them as ‘'TRUMP GROVELERS”, we want to shout them out, wherever, and whenever and as often as we can. We are distributing a TRUMP SUBJECTS - LEGACY SERIES, which is a series of graphics that depicts Trump and his congressional cronies, nonfeasance, misfeasance and malfeasance as they occur.
We have distrubted these original graphics to all of Trumps’ groveling subjects in the House of Representatives, and the Senate. They will be associated with this BRAND as long as they enable King Trump, to continue using our country as collateral, to enrich his personal interest and feed his insatiable ego.
Please spread the message. Share this link on your social network platforms. And exercise your voice and rights at the polling place and VOTE these TRUMP GROVELERS OUT!
Lock "Em Up!
Our democratic institution of Checks and Balances is being perverted before our own eyes in real time. King Trump and his Congressional subjects, in their zeal to serve their own personal and political objectives above those of the country's, are transforming our country’s Democracy to that of an Autocracy!!
We as concerned citizens must, become involved and SHOUT OUT what we see happening and challenge this destructive behavior. The challenge is how? One of their own caucus members tried shaming them, by challenging them “TO GROW A SET OF OVARIES’ and do the country's’ business. This challenge failed because SHAME is a congressional oxymoron, as they have no shame!!
Since we can’t shame them, we will use a Trump Tactic and BRAND them as ‘'TRUMP GROVELERS”, we want to shout them out, wherever, and whenever and as often as we can. We are developing a TRUMP SUBJECTS - LEGACY SERIES, which is a series of graphics that depicts Trump and his congressional cronies, nonfeasance, misfeasance and malfeasance as they occur.
We will distribute these original graphics to all of Trumps’ groveling subjects in both the House of Representatives, as well as the Senate. They will be associated with this BRAND as long as they enable King Trump, to continue using our country as collateral, to enrich his personal interest and feed his insatiable ego.
In order to accomplish this, we need your help to spread the message. Please share this link on your social network platforms. And exercise your voice and rights at the polling place and VOTE these TRUMP GROVELERS OUT!
Friday, September 7, 2018
Do you Grovelers know with whom you made your bargain?
Our democratic institution of Checks and Balances is being perverted before our own eyes in real time. King
Trump and his Congressional subjects, in their zeal to serve their own
personal and political objectives above those of the country's, are transforming our country’s Democracy to that of an Autocracy!!
as concerned citizens must, become involved and SHOUT OUT what we see
happening and challenge this destructive behavior. The challenge is how?
One of their own caucus members tried shaming them, by challenging them
“TO GROW A SET OF OVARIES’ and do the country's’ business. This
challenge failed because SHAME is a congressional oxymoron, as they have no shame!!
Since we can’t shame them, we will use a Trump Tactic and BRAND them as ‘'TRUMP GROVELERS”, we want to shout them out, wherever, and whenever and as often as we can. We are developing a TRUMP SUBJECTS - LEGACY SERIES, which
is a series of graphics that depicts Trump and his congressional
cronies, nonfeasance, misfeasance and malfeasance as they occur.
will distribute these original graphics to all of Trumps’ groveling
subjects in both the House of Representatives, as well as the Senate.
They will be associated with this BRAND as long as they enable King
Trump, to continue using our country as collateral, to enrich his
personal interest and feed his insatiable ego.
In order to accomplish this, we need your help to spread the message. Please share this link on your social network platforms. And exercise your voice and rights at the polling place and VOTE these TRUMP GROVELERS OUT!
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Our democratic institution of Checks and Balances is being perverted before our own eyes in real time. King Trump and his Congressional subjects, in their zeal to serve their own personal and political objectives above those of the country's, are transforming our country’s Democracy to that of an Autocracy!!
We as concerned citizens must, become involved and SHOUT OUT what we see happening and challenge this destructive behavior. The challenge is how? One of their own caucus members tried shaming them, by challenging them “TO GROW A SET OF OVARIES’ and do the country's’ business. This challenge failed because SHAME is a congressional oxymoron, as they have no shame!!
Since we can’t shame them, we will use a Trump Tactic and BRAND them as ‘'TRUMP GROVELERS”, we want to shout them out, wherever, and whenever and as often as we can. We are developing a TRUMP SUBJECTS - LEGACY SERIES, which is a series of graphics that depicts Trump and his congressional cronies, nonfeasance, misfeasance and malfeasance as they occur.
We will distribute these original graphics to all of Trumps’ groveling subjects in both the House of Representatives, as well as the Senate. They will be associated with this BRAND as long as they enable King Trump, to continue using our country as collateral, to enrich his personal interest and feed his insatiable ego.
In order to accomplish this, we need your help to spread the message. Please share this link on your social network platforms. And exercise your voice and rights at the polling place and VOTE these TRUMP GROVELERS OUT!
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
INFRASTRUCTURE WEEK. A REAL solution that is bipartisan and deficit neutral. #TimeToBuild
Infrastructure Week. A true Bipartisan, Deficit Neutral proposal.
We have been reaching out to Senators, Educators, the President, and Caucus's to offer the following solution. This is a REAL solution that is not only bipartisan, but also deficit neutral. But we need your help. We need our elected leaders at every level –municipal, state, and federal – to prioritize infrastructure investment. Repairing and upgrading water systems, ports, airports, highways, the power grid, and broadband is what Americans want. Gallup polling has shown consistently that this is one of the most popular, least politically controversial topics for the federal government to address. We are all holding our breath, waiting to see if the worst-case scenario happens or if we skate by for another day. None of this is new. Our nation’s infrastructure has been in a slow-motion decline, right before our eyes, for decades now.
Please review the following robust INFRASTRUCTURE PROPOSAL, that is Deficit Neutral and guarantees the Trickle Down Effect, promised to us 99 per center’s!! Call your Senator or Representative to promote the program, as it is doable!
Please review the following robust INFRASTRUCTURE PROPOSAL, that is Deficit Neutral and guarantees the Trickle Down Effect, promised to us 99 per center’s!! Call your Senator or Representative to promote the program, as it is doable!
I recommend that the United Treasury Department issue an Infrastructure Bond that is tax-free and interest bearing that can only be used for the building and repair of the physical and educational infrastructure of this country. It would be called a PATRIOT BOND. The programs mission would mirror The Marshall Plan (European recovery program), which rescued Europe from total economic and physical ruin. This plan was initiated after World War 11 It is regarded one of the most successful stimulus program in this country’ history. I would target the 1 per centers and the SUPER RICH Americans who have TRILLIONS of dollars lodged in offshore banks and financial institutions, for the purpose of tax avoidance. (Google “American offshore wealth”)
This is not an INVERSION program. This program must stand-alone and not part of the current tax reform legislation that is currently being debated. The Inversion tax treatment program attempted in 2004 did not produce the economic impact intended. I would offer a one time TAX MORATORIUM, date specific that would allow the 1 per centers a one time opportunity to repatriate some or all of their tax sheltered funds to America TAX FREE in exchange for the purchase of the “PATRIOT BOND” This program would be one of the remedies that could help eliminate INCOME and EDUCATION INEQUALITY, as it would guarantee the trickle down impact that is prayed for.
The rich get richer_ the poor get poorer or the 1 per centers vs. the 99 per centers. Our economic disconnect, can be traced to the economic policy promulgated during the 1980s. President Reagan promoted this policy that is now referred to as “Reaganomics” or “Supply Side“ or Trickle Down economics. Although well intended, it brought about unintended results. It resulted in the “Economic Apartheid” that we are currently experiencing. The differential tax advantages were intended to support and encourage the investment class and the entrepreneurs, to take greater risks and create more and greater discoveries, new products and services that would fuel economic growth and prosperity. This policy worked extremely well for the 1 per centers as they reaped great rewards for their efforts. Unfortunately the unintended greed of the 1 per centers vitiated the full intent of the policy. The trickled down effect that was to benefit the 99 per centers never happened. The 1 per centers found ways to trickle the profits up and out of the country. It is estimated that there is between 20 to 30 trillion dollars lodged in banks and financial centers off shore. Many of these dollars belong to the 1 per centers, many of who are sheltering these profits for the purpose of tax avoidance, which is legal. I propose that the US Government create a tax-free, interesting bearing bond that will be called the “PATRIOT BOND”. The bond would be project specific: it could only be used for infrastructure projects, both physical as well as educational. There would be an early liquidation penalty as with all bonds.
I further propose that the US Government offer a one-time “AMNESTY” for all assets that are currently lodged in off shore banks and financial centers for the purpose of tax-avoidance. These assets could be repatriated to the US tax-free provided the assets are used to purchase “PATRIOT BOND”. This amnesty would be time specific and not open ended, as it would be a one-time event. The repatriated wealth could be used only to repair and built 21st century class infrastructure, roads, bridges, etc. that would enable us to compete successfully in the global economy. Education being so critical for our nation must be funded as well to eliminate the disparities of opportunity that currently exists for far too many students. We must develop a curriculum, that teach all students critical thinking skills as well as scientific and technical skills, that will prepare them to succeed in the 21st century technological challenges that confront us. Veterans must be included in the educational component as to often they seem to be an after thought. It seems that each years budget cycle they lose benefits, or the benefits are shifted in such a way that they are rationalizes to be value added, which most of the time they are not.
This proposed Infrastructure Bill, will finally give us 99 per centers the trickled down promised! The economic vitality produced by the projects funded, would produce the many good paying JOBS promised as well enabling us to create job-training programs to treat the structural chronically unemployed members of our work force. This problem was precipitated by technical influences in our economy. We will now be able to train our displaced workers for the currently available unfilled jobs, as there is a skill gap. More importantly us 99 per centers would be able to provide for our families, and regain OUR, PRIDE, INTEGRITY and HOPE for the future. What is not to like about these recommendations? This would be a win-win for everyone.
The J.M. Keynes economic devotees who believe that in some economic times it is appropriate for the government to stimulate the economy. The Ayn Rand and Paul Ryan devotees believe that the government is an antithetical to the Individualism concept that they ascribe to, which is occasionally known, as “Greed is Good”. This program will enhance their assets. Additionally given the geo political unrest in the world this is a much safer place to park their assets. It allows them to hypothecate these funds i.e. collateralize, trade, arbitrage etc. all at home.
This would be deficit neutral. The only cost to the US government is to guarantee the full faith and credit of the Patriot Bonds. The robust economic growth will provide substantial revenues for the US Treasury, enabling them to better serve all of it citizens, while reducing the federal deficit.
Reach out to YOUR elected Officials Today. This is the rare bipartisan issue where business, labor, and public-sector leaders from across the country stand shoulder to shoulder, asking for Washington’s help to rebuild and modernize our infrastructure. Now in its sixth year, and led by a coalition of leading labor, business, and policy. We’ve waited long enough, and the future won’t wait. It is #TimeToBuild
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Political and Corporate Hedonism -- The New Normal.
I am an 85 year old person, without title or portfolio but I am a witness.
During my life I have witnessed our country -- morph from a very moralistic society, where the lines between right and wrong, were clearly defined-- to that of an amoral society. The lines between right and wrong, have softened and in some cases totally been obliterated.
We are currently being asked to accept a new moral ethic “The New Normal”, which is a euphemism for any and everything goes!!
I have learned that we all as people, are the sum total of our experiences, and every thing is life has a cost!! My question to all of us is -- Are we as Americans, willing to pay the price for this “New Normal” ethic??
Acceptance will definitely put us on the slippery slope toward Hedonism!!
Please check out the blog: Art Pearl Against The World. artpearlagainsttheworld.blogspot.com Art is old friend of mine, whom I greatly respect as a selfless giving person, who has dedicated his life to teaching, counseling and a passionate pursuit of justice for all. A true beacon for thousands college students who became extensions of his passion and beliefs. His series is titled "The mess we are in and how Democracy gets us out!!"
Cartoon by Artist: Graham Jackson
During my life I have witnessed our country -- morph from a very moralistic society, where the lines between right and wrong, were clearly defined-- to that of an amoral society. The lines between right and wrong, have softened and in some cases totally been obliterated.
We are currently being asked to accept a new moral ethic “The New Normal”, which is a euphemism for any and everything goes!!
I have learned that we all as people, are the sum total of our experiences, and every thing is life has a cost!! My question to all of us is -- Are we as Americans, willing to pay the price for this “New Normal” ethic??
Acceptance will definitely put us on the slippery slope toward Hedonism!!
I don’t know, I’m just sayin’. ~
Sincerely, Charley Citizen
____________________ Please check out the blog: Art Pearl Against The World. artpearlagainsttheworld.blogspot.com Art is old friend of mine, whom I greatly respect as a selfless giving person, who has dedicated his life to teaching, counseling and a passionate pursuit of justice for all. A true beacon for thousands college students who became extensions of his passion and beliefs. His series is titled "The mess we are in and how Democracy gets us out!!"
Cartoon by Artist: Graham Jackson
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